Την Τρίτη 25-02-2025 και ώρα 12:00 θα γίνει διάλεξη του καθ. Παναγιώτη Θεοδωράκη ((Institute of Physics – Polish Academy of Sciences) στην αίθουσα Χ2-094.
Ο τίτλος της διάλεξης είναι:
Soft Matter Matters and MDPD-Martini Force-field
In this presentation, I will talk about a range of different soft matter matters (problems) that have recently been tackled in the group of Soft Matter and Fluids Physics by using a wide spectrum of methods from molecular to continuum scales. This soft matter matters for various applications ranging from printing and spayring technologies to cooling and employs different soft-matter matters. A series of key simulation results will be discussed for various interesting phenomena, providing understanding of underlying mechanisms and design principles for functional matter (materials) in specific applications. On the modeling side, I will also talk about the ongoing development of the general-purpose many-body dissipative particle dynamics force-field (MDPD-MARTINI) based on the MARTINI coarse-graining approach, which enables us to simulate a wide spectrum of soft matter systems with a significant speed-up with respect to molecular dynamics.