Assistant Professor (male)
Building - Office: X2. 204B
Industrial Chemistry and Food Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
University of Ioannina

Tel: +30 26510 71 8340

Research interests

My research interests focus on ensuring food integrity and quality and promoting sustainability across the food supply chain. Tassos’ skill set includes both wet and dry lab techniques such as Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, chromatograph, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence and more recently NGS.  He is applying multi-omics to study how factors such as pre-harvest and post-harvest practices affect horticultural crop quality, and nutritional value with emphasis on fats and oils and others plant-based foods. He is also applying sensor technology to develop applications for food authentication and adulteration detection.
More specifically,
·      food authenticity and detection of fraud using a combination of state-of-the-art analytical methods (spectroscopic incl. imaging and chromatographic)
·      Vegetable oils and Lipid Chemistry: olive oil; palm oil. Role of minor constituents (authenticity and quality).
·      Multivariate data analysis & Chemometrics: novel classification techniques; quantification, multivariate modelling, decision making tools.
·      Novel/functional food bioactives: their sources, isolation and bioactivity assessment.
·      Novel Food processing technologies for quality and safety of ready-to-eat foods



1996-2001: BSc in Chemistry (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
2001-2002: MSc in Food Science and Quality Assurance, University of Reading (UK)
2003-2008: PhD from the Department of Chemistry (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
2008-2010: Post Doctoral research officer at TEAGASC – Irish Agriculture Development Authority (Dublin, Ireland)


Professional positions

2010-2024: Assistant Professor at the School of Biological Sciences at Queen’s University Belfast (Food Science & Nutrition).


Academic Teaching
Undergraduate courses 
Principle of Microbiology and Food Microbiology, Food Analysis, Biochemistry and Food Biotechnology

Postgraduate courses


Published research works

In total, I have over 100 published items. The breakdown is: 72 published papers in peer-reviewed high impact factor scientific journals (e.g., Food Chemistry) and 9 book chapters in reputable Editorial houses. I also have more that 40 conference announcements (posters and oral presentations). I have prepared several technical documents from consultancy work for agri-food businesses (not included).

for the full list visit the links below

International Scientific Recognition

·        Work Package Leader in FP7 European research project “STARTEC” (see below)
·      Scientific Proposal Reviewer for the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships (Feb 2021), the Polish National Science Centre (No. 374538, Panel NZ9, 2015-6) and the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (2023+) and Commonwealth Scholarships (2023-)
·      Academic Adviser to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC). (2022-). Duties include Scientific Proposal Reviewer for new CS applications to UK academia.
·        Associate Editor for Food Chemistry Advances (2022-).
·      Editorial Board member  of Food Chemistry (2022-), Food and Humanity (2023-), Food Chemistry Advances (2021-), Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 2017), Chemosensors (2020-),  Recent Progress in Nutrition (2021 -) and Current Studies in Nutrition And Food Science, Modern Intelligent Times (MIT, 2957-7942).

·        UK Delegation leader of the British Standards Institute (BSI) for the 26th Meeting of ISO/TC 34/SC 11, SC2 – Animal and vegetable fats and oils; Oilseeds. Orlando, USA, 27-29 April 2017.  Host and UK Delegation member on behalf of BSI of the 27th Meeting of the ISO/TC34/SC2,11, Belfast, UK, 19-21 September 2018.
·        Member of PhD examination committee for
o  Ms Beatriz Rodriguez Fonseca (Dept. Food Science and Technology, University of León, Spain; 30/10/2009),
o  Ms Lucia Valverde Som (Dept. of Chemistry, University of Granada, Spain; 11/1/2018)
o  Mr Feiyue Ren (Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Cork, Ireland; 1/12/2017 and again in January 2019).
·        Keynote speaker in Society of Chemical Industry Lipids Group at the University of Reading (25/6/2013) titled “fingerprint analysis of fats and oils”. AGM Lipids Group.
·        Conference host/ moderator: OLEUM Final conference, Day 2: Validation and analytical tools for assuring olive oil quality and authenticity. 18 February 2021
·        Invited Speaker
o  In Stormont Agri-Food science briefing “Cultivating the Future” (NI) organised by B McCrea (MLA) (Mar 2012): “Feed safety leading to food safety and quality”
o  in DEFRA/FERA conference: “Tools to detect food fraud” (Feb 2014) to present the talk titled “Vegetable oil speciation”. York, UK.
o  in safefood Chemical Residues Knowledge Network Conference: ‘Recent Advances in Targeted/Untargeted Analysis of Food’ (Dec 2014), Wellington Park Hotel, Belfast.
o  in the Government Chemist (LGC) conference ‘Science supporting trust in food’: ‘Vegetable oil speciation in processed foods how legislation drives innovation’, Royal Society, London (Jun 2016).


Orcid (Scopus ID: 8567015200)
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